
    Vitrex® VACUSENCE accessories are products required for collecting blood samples.

    VACUSENCE Alcohol Swabs VACUSENCE Alcohol Swabs are an easy and convenient way to cleanse the skin and help fight bacteria at the site of application. Use as an antiseptic skin cleanser before injections and blood sampling.

    DescriptionContentSizeArticle No.
    Alcohol Swab70% Isopropyl Alcohol30 x 60 mm. 520213

    VACUSENCE SHARPS DISPOSAL CONTAINER For disposal of used sharp objects like cannulas,scalpels, needles, holders, syringes etc.Available in 2.1 lt. and 7.5 lt.

    DescriptionSizeColorArticle No.
    Sharps Disposal Container 2.1 lt.100 pcs / boxYellow101121
    Sharps Disposal Container 7.5 lt.40 pcs / boxYellow101175

    VACUSENCE TOURNIQUET VACUSENCE Tourniquet is used for tying the vein during blood collection. It is safe and easy to use.

    DescriptionPackagingArticle No.
    Automatic Tourniquet1 pc / 500 pcs 259001V
    Automatic Tourniquet For Children - Green1 pc / 500 pcs 259001-1V
    Automatic Tourniquet For Children - Pink1 pc / 500 pcs 259001-2V
    Disposable Tourniquet50 pcs / box 259050V

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