
    Vitrex® offers a wide range of high-quality lancets with different depth of skin puncture. Different needle and depth options can be used for any purpose. Types of lancets are distinguished by color code. Vitrex® Lancets indicate:

    USER SECURITY. The needle is in the middle of the case. This eliminates the possibility of transferring information between the patient and the patient.

    PATIENT SAFETY. The lancet is intended for single use only and cannot be reused. Sterilization is carried out by the most reliable method – gamma radiation. The design of lancets eliminates the likelihood of accidental contact with the needle, both before and after its use. CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT. Ultra-sharp blade of high-grade steel and instant skin puncture due to cocked spring, ensures maximum painlessness when drawing blood.


    Color CodeConfigurationPenetration Depth Article No.Application
    Green18G blade1.8 mm393213 Special baby care and maternity units for heel puncture
    Turquoise30G needle1.8 mm399213Low blood flow, less pain
    Violet28G needle1.8 mm398213Low blood flow, less pain
    Yellow26G needle1.8 mm394213Diabetes clinics/hospital wards for blood glucose monitoring
    Blu21G needle1.8 mm397213As Yellow but for increased blood flow
    Orange21G needle2,20 mm395213Haemoglobin (blood banks), cholesterol, blood typing, coagulation, blood gas and other diagnostic tests
    Pink21G needle2.8 mm396213As Orange but for thicker adult skin

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